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来源:今日招聘 | 发布时间:2022-08-27 13:55:08 |  访问:459

postdoctoral fellow – rna biology

we are looking for a talented and motivated postdoctoral researcher to work on rna biology in mammalian cells. the position is in the laboratory of dr. jernej murn in the department of biochemistry at uc riverside and is fully funded by nih and nsf grants.

a successful applicant will take a lead role in projects within the scope of our main areas of interest, which include post-transcriptional control by rna-binding proteins and biogenesis of non-coding rnas.

the candidate will have a strong background in biochemistry and molecular biology. additional expertise in bioinformatics and computational biology is desirable. for more information about the lab, please visit https://www.murnlab.info/.

interested applicants should send their cv, description of their research experience, and contact information of three referees to dr. murn at jernej.murn@ucr.edu. start date is flexible.


推荐:更多美国加州大学河滨分校2022年招聘博士后职位(rna生物学) 请关注 今日招聘官方微信公众号


【 责任编辑:今日招聘 】





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